Write For Us At My Life Insurance For Elderly

Updated: May 13, 2024

Interested in sharing your Insurance expertise with a captive audience? Do you have a hot topic you think our audience would be interested in?

Let us know, and you could be our next guest blogger! We’re always looking for talented writers in the Life Insurance industry!

What We’re Looking For

We’re always looking for unique, relevant, and well-written posts. Please don’t submit posts that have already been published elsewhere. (Once your post has been published on our site, you are permitted to republish your article elsewhere.)

Your post should preferably be 1000+ words, double-checked for proper spelling and grammar, and be able to pass a Copyscape review.

The best blog posts will contain actionable advice and thorough documentation. All claims must be backed up by reputable statistics and/or case studies.

We will provide a relevant stock image for the article featured image. Any images or graphics you provide within the article must be high-quality and at least 800px wide.

All articles are subject to minor edits by our staff.

On Links

You may include any number of links pointing to relevant supporting authority websites.

You may, however, only include one (1) link pointing back to your own or your client’s website within the article text.

There will be NO AFFILIATE links allowed.

Guest Post Topics We Cover

At Life Insurance For Elderly Parents, our mission is dedicated to clarifying the intricacies of securing life insurance for aging parents, thereby enabling families to ensure the financial security and well-being of their elderly loved ones. Here’s what our site delves into:

  • Understanding Life Insurance Options for Seniors – Explore various types of life insurance policies suitable for elderly parents and how each can be utilized effectively to address specific needs in their later years.
  • Comparing Policy Options – Detailed comparisons of whole life, term life, and guaranteed issue life insurance policies tailored for seniors.
  • Cost-Saving Strategies – Tips and strategies for finding affordable life insurance rates for elderly parents, including considerations for health status and coverage amount.
  • Legacy and Estate Planning – Insight into how different life insurance policies can serve as tools for legacy planning and ensuring your parents’ wishes are respected.
  • Navigating Medical Exams and Underwriting – Guidance on what to expect during medical exams and the underwriting process, including how to best prepare elderly parents for these evaluations.
  • Policy Riders and Add-Ons – An exploration of available riders and add-ons, such as long-term care or critical illness coverage, that can enhance the benefit of life insurance for seniors.
  • Case Studies and Real-Life Examples – Real-life scenarios and case studies that illustrate the impact and benefits of having life insurance for elderly parents.
  • Planning for Final Expenses – Comprehensive guides on using life insurance to cover funeral costs, medical bills, and other end-of-life expenses.
  • Legal and Tax Implications – Understanding the legal and tax considerations when purchasing and benefiting from life insurance policies for elderly parents.

Our audience is comprised of:

  • Adult children seeking ways to provide financial security for their aging parents.
  • Individuals exploring life insurance options to plan for parental care and legacy.
  • Caregivers investigating the best insurance solutions to manage eldercare expenses.
  • Financial advisors and professionals specializing in senior and estate planning.

We’re open to contributions from financial advisors and financial services or insurance experts who can share thoughtful analyses, personal experiences, or practical advice that aligns with our mission.

If you’re interested, please email us at hello@ mylifeinsuranceforelderly.com .